The Project

The Moorabool Wind Farm project is located about 4km south of Ballan, approximately 80km from Melbourne, 27km from Ballarat and 47km from Geelong. It extends 14km north to south between Ballan and Mount Wallace to the west of the C141 (Geelong-Ballan Road).

The project is divided into two sections, north and south. All turbines are 169m to the tip of the blade. Construction began in July 2018.

To see Layout Plans of each section please click on the links below:

Key Facts

The Minister for Planning has approved construction and operation of up to 107 wind turbines, of which only 104 were eventually erected.

104 Turbines are now constructed, and are operating and supplying power into the grid, with a tip height of 169m.

The Project has the capacity to generate up to 1,050,000 MWh per year of renewable electricity.

This is enough renewable energy to power the equivalent of 228,000 average Victorian homes annually, approximately 10% of Victorian households.*

The Moorabool Wind Farm is connected to Victoria’s electricity network at the Elaine Terminal Station via an overhead 132kV powerline.

Please contact us if you have questions or comments on the project.

*Household data obtained from, Electricity Usage Data obtained from